
Blister Critters

Created by Wythe Marschall

A mutant cartoon animal TTRPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Welcome to Critter City / Shouting out Death Game
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 10:01:38 AM

Join the jam, try the game!

Reminder, we are running a game jam over on to create more fun content for Blister Critters so that you can dive into any number of different episodes right away.

We already have several entries, but we want to bring in as many voices as we can. We've now extended the game jam beyond the end of the Kickstarter campaign. The requirements for the jam are very light, and you still have plenty of time! If you have questions, please reach out.

We've also created a new channel on the Stillfleet Studio Discord server for discussing and setting up games of Blister Critters. Use this channel for brainstorming game jam submissions, talents for your favorite animals, plot hooks, ideas for Stuff—whatever you want!

Also, if you're curious to learn more about how the game works, Tony and Wythe just recorded an actual play episode with The Weekly Scroll and our consulting producer, Logan Dean. Check it out!

Shout-out to a project we can't wait to play: Death Game 

If you haven't heard of it, please check out Death Game, the battle royale TTRPG by by Laurie O’Connel (writing), HODAG RPG (art), and Sam Leigh (editing). Laurie is an amazing game designer, and HODAG illustrated a few spreads of the Stillfleet Core Rulebook.

As a fan of brutal, eat-the-rich stories such as The Hunger Games, Squid Game, and Battle Royale, I had to back this one. The character archetypes in the game are extremely cool and weird. Plus, Death Game uses dice for scores, much like the Grit System!

Here is a bit more about the project from their press release:

  • Death Game is a narrative driven tabletop roleplaying game when characters compete in a high-stakes battle for survival for the entertainment of the ultra-rich. Throughout the game, players will pick up different characters, struggling against all the odds for victory. As the number of competitors narrows and the stakes grow higher, you'll play until one of you wins, and the rest of you die. During that time, you’ll build an arena, work out the rules of play, and grow attached to your mostly-doomed cohort of competitors.

Shout-out to a beautiful diceless adventure: Mystery Under Magi-Mart

To end this week's update, we have to shout out a project by another talented indie creator we admire—Bodie H. Bodie makes vivid, perfect little gems of games (sometimes sci-fi!), and Mystery Under Magi-Mart looks to be no exception.

The game is a self-contained diceless adventure; there are tons of items (you know we love items); and Bodie is making stickers (you know we love stickers). Here's the quick pitch in the creator's words:

  • Mystery Under Magi-Mart is a pick-your-path adventure book, taking you on a quest into a magic store’s dungeon basement to find a potion. There are no dice, no rules to learn, just exciting choices to make on every page as you explore this bizarre dungeon.

That's all for now. Fingers crossed we unlock more Blister Stickers! Thanks to everyone who's supported our work!

First stretch goal unlocked! / Next up: stickers!
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 12:33:51 PM

Ad-Libs = in the box!

Happy almost-weekend, everyone! Thanks so much for backing Blister Critters and making our weird-cartoon-animal dreams come true.

We've now raised enough funds to unlock The Book of Ad-Libs —thank you, thank you, thank you! That means this fun play-aid will be added to every Blister Critters Boxed Set. That means you get more useful Stuff at the same price!

And that means we're announcing a new stretch goal…

Blister Stickers × 2

Tony and I love stickers, and everybody loves Tony's art. So we couldn't resist: every Blister Critters Boxed Set comes with one sheet of stickers already.

But, if we hit our next stretch goal, we'll add a second, different sheet of stickers. That's, what?, twice as many stickers, by my sticker-maths!

Here's a preview of what we're talking about:

Note, you'll already have Critters on the first sheet of stickers, so the second sheet will offer more Stuff, environmental elements (Phases of the mutating sun), and even wee little sticker character sheets!

Please help spread the word and unlock these stickers!

Press for Blister Critters

We're delighted that some Zine Quest round-ups are highlighting our game in their best-of lists! Here are a few pieces mentioning us.

Let us know if you see any others—or if you're a reviewer who wants to play the game, chat with the team, or learn more!

Funded! / Stretchin toward a goal
8 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 09:34:25 AM

Funded day 1!

Thank you so much to everyone who backed us early! Tony, Wythe, and the team have worked so hard to create, playtest, and perfect Blister Critters, and it means everything that we'll definitely be able to print the book and cards.

At the end of the day, we're indie creators who are reliant on crowdfunding. All we want is to make high-quality, fun-to-play games. And we can't do it without you!

If you know a cool, games-enjoying person who might like Blister Critters, please spread the love! We truly appreciate it.

Stretch goal #1: The Book of Ad-Libs

We are now scurrying toward our stretch goals, of which we have many planned. First up is the great Book of Ad-Libs, which will be a 52-page addition to every Blister Critters Boxed Set.

"Today’s episode of Blister Critters was made possible by the following sponsor…"

At the beginning of each episode of Blister Critters, the GM and players can agree to use the Ad-Lib rule: the players will then generate a very random infomercial for a canonical product in the game's Critterverse, which can then be brought into the game as Stuff. Encountering this special Stuff lets the Critters then regain pool (health and grit)!

(Many of you have probably filled out an Ad-Lib or two with your buds when you were younger. Update: it's still fun!)

This is the sort of goofy but functional and mechanics-extending rule is exactly why we're so excited to be publishing Tony's take on the Grit System. We hope we're able to add this lil book to the Boxed Set, and we can't wait to see some of the sponsored Stuff y'all come up with!

Watch Blister Critters actual play—starting with an Ad-Lib >

Get involved: join the Critter City Crawl game jam on >